When Is A Good Time To Start Your Side Hustle?

When Is A Good Time To Start Your Side Hustle?

As I mentioned in a previous blog post (Multiple Streams Of Income Is The Way To Go), a single stream of income is no longer enough. Inflation and uncertainty has wrecked havoc in the lives of many fitness professionals. The cost of our learning resources, workshops, certifications, the overall standard of living have gone up, and yet our class rates have generally remained the same. You can earn more by teaching more classes, but there are only so many classes one can teach a day/week before our mind and body shuts down. That is a slippery slope to burning out, or even worse, getting injured.

So how now brown cow?

There are tons of side hustles one can do to generate more income. You can be a Grab Food rider. If you have the energy and time to deliver food, it can get you a decent amount a day. You can sell baked goods like bread, cookies or cakes. I know a couple of you do that. Be a tuition teacher or a virtual assistant. Whatever you are good at or are keep to pick up. That can be a side hustle for you.

But what if you can create something that can generate revenue for you not just once or twice, but for at least a few months? Income will definitely vary through the months, but if you keep creating, it becomes the gift that keeps on giving. This happens very easily in the digital world.

YouTube videos. Online courses. Ebooks. These are content that you can easily create in your spare time, plonk it onto the web, and if you're successful, it generates revenue for you over and over again.

Many YouTubers create online tutorials or exercise videos that can help them generate over US$300 a month once they monetize their YouTube channel. Ebooks can sell for $3.99 per book. An ebook takes you a month or 2 to write and if it is within a topic that is interesting, it'll bring you quite a bit of passive income for months. Online courses can be sold via Udemy or other course platforms. Yet another, create once, push it to the platforms and let the money roll.

Sure it sounds simple, but it takes time to create and refine. YouTube channels can take a whole year before they are allowed to monetize. The fear of "who will buy my ebook" or "who will enrol in my course" will circle around your head a million times. The silly thing here is, you already have an audience.

You have people who attend your classes, who follow your social media accounts, who already believe in you. You already have people who will share your content. You already have people who will buy your content. You already have a following, much more than people who work in the finance industry or other industries who don't deal with crowds. You already have half the battle won. The other half is just you producing the content.

All you have to do is start. Take a moment today. Sit down somewhere quiet. Draft something. Maybe a tutorial video. Maybe the outlines of a course or of an ebook. Once you get over the inertia to start, things will start moving.

If you are wondering what kind of content you can do, check out my previous blog post: 5 Content Types You Can Create And Monetize to give you a better idea. Find something that you are comfortable with and start working on it.

When was a good time to start? Yesterday.

When is a better time to start? Right now.